Words may have different meanings in different contexts. So, understanding and interpreting what is meant to be said requires mostly a general grasp of the field, and sometimes a very good grasp.
For this reason we tried to keep in predefined limits the words we add to our study, right from the beginning. For instance, the category Economy signifies for us the macro-economic data, financial markets, investment tools, balance sheets, fiscal and parafiscal subjects and so on. So, as we come up to terms from these fields, we add them to this category. Construction terminology, on the other hand, is a category with many sub-categories, like for instance the technical office. Under this sub-category, we have been providing the translations of terms from such different fields as: Design, progress payments, budgets, official letters, contracts and tenders.
In the table below, you may view the Categories and the Contents of each Category we have defined for this terminlogic study. Our point in making this classification has been to provide the visitor with the necessary tools to decide which term to choose, especially when the word he/she has been looking up has more than one translations, depending on the context.
Categories | Contents (summary) |
Economy | economy, finance, accounting, balance sheet, contracts, insurance, etc. |
Legal | contracts, laws, decrees, arbitration, etc. |
Various | general useful terms that fall outside the domains defined |
Military | military expressions, ranks, equipment, ammunition, etc. |
IT | information technologies (IT), hardware, software, etc. |
Politics | national and international organizations, political terms, agreements, conventions, etc. |
Technical Office | design, plans, sections, calculation reports, monthly progress payments, final accounts, contracts, addendums, letters between the contractor and the client, bids, offers, etc. |
Asphalt | asphalt, bitumen, layers of superstructure, etc. |
Miscellaneous | especially electrical terms and catenary (overhead contact line - OCL) terms, fire systems, with other technical terms that do not take place in the other fields |
Materials | types of mines, stones, rocks, minerals, earth layers, geological terms, etc. |
Medical | medical conditions, medications, pharmaceutic, chemical, etc. |
Engineering Structures | site works, concrete, armature, formwork, bridges, viaducts, manholes, culverts, structures, architectural terms, railway systems (rail, switch, turnout, sleeper), with related materials and machines, etc. |
Machinery | materials and machinery and equipment in a machine park (from a screw to loaders and bulldozers, with spare parts, etc.) |
Quality | quality control, quality assurance (QC/QA), related measures, laboratory tests, with related equipment |
Earthworks | materials and machinery for earthworks, method of statement, technics, etc. |
Surveying | surveying works and methods, levelling, etc. |
Abbreviation | French | Turkish | English |
Adj. | Adjectif | Sıfat | Adjective |
Adv. | Adverbe | Zarf (Belirteç) | Adverb |
Conj. | Conjonction | Bağlaç | Conjunction |
N F | Nom Féminin | İsim | Noun |
N FP | N F Pluriel | İsim | Noun Plural |
N M | Nom Masculin | İsim | Noun |
N MP | N M Pluriel | İsim | Noun Plural |
Prép. | Préposition | Edat (İlgeç) | Preposition |
Pron. | Pronom | Zamir (Adıl) | Pronoun |
V | Verbe | Fiil (Eylem) | Verb |